Preparing to Sit On the Couch With Our Spouse

Picture this: The scene is set! Liz comes through the door, excited beyond anything to see her husband. He promised they would do something together tonight. It had been months since they had gotten married and life hadn't felt quite as exciting as she had pictured it would be before she had dawned the wedding dress. Liz sees Jacob sitting on the couch. Her excitement stretches, considering what he might have planned. He turns and notices her. He smiles. She notices that he is holding something in his hands... Is it flowers? Chocolate? Tickets to a game? It's... a remote. "I thought we were going to do something tonight?" Liz starts, uncertain. "We are," Jacob assures, "We used to watch Netflix all the time when we were dating. Were you expecting something else?" Now, this is the question. Why was she expecting something else? I want to touch a little bit more on the role of dating and how it prepares us for marriage as well as some of the conseque...